In the blink of an eye life changes. Life is full of riches that a lot of people never see. We are not talking money, fame, or material wealth. It is the journey one walks and branches out with every footstep. The journey, like a gem, will become faceted through life's phases. We come into the world with a single starter breath, being cared for and nurtured. Time seems to move slowly; maturity comes along and our path begins to change. New adventure and love brings our hearts to a warm light that glows beyond the soul. Our journey becomes a double lane as we encompass relationships and begin to branch out with tiny new souls to nurture and care for. Our energy is now split into different angles that direct new paths and adventures. Time sets the pace as our footsteps become shorter and slower, relinquishing the youthful part of our journey. Years add up, days begin to pass quickly, and our journey quietly comes to an end. There is no set expiration date for living on borrowed time, only that last breath from the world that carries you beyond. In loving memory of all who have passed forward. May their journeys continue beyond the edge of "If".
I received a notification from my website that someone left a comment on my blog. Blog? I forgot I had a blog. Life had gotten so crazy and misdirected I had forgotten I ever wrote anything.
I am very glad the comment was made. My brain said hell yes you have a lot to say so get busy blogging. Leading up from my last blogs to where I am now has been a journey many people travel. Realization of time and life. There have been reconnections to very special people who made such great differences in my life from my teenage years to adulthood. Dear friends and loved ones who have passed forward. Medical emergencies and caretaker mode. Life adjustments that you know are coming and hope they don’t take place. The one thing that has stayed constant in my life is the love of my husband, and from my children and grandchildren. And of course my art and spiritual self. Yes, for those of you who are not afraid of gifted people, I was born very artistic and with a powerful gift of insight and high intuitive gifts. I have 45+ years of shared wisdom with spiritual services and my art. The psychic side of me helps my creative process by opening doors of enlightenment and thoughts most people do not have the opportunity to experience. The last year has been the toughest at squeezing life happenings and other peoples medical needs, clients, and art all under one umbrella. How does one make sense of it all and keep their sanity. The old phrase “grin and bear it” comes to mind. While being serious and alert to all conditions of life’s trials and tribulations… we SMILE! Humor, yes humor is the passcode to keeping your sanity and continuing on the necessary path of existence and business in the full run. We all know this year of 2020 has been the most headshaking year. A lot of learning curves. We are now at the edge of a new year. Life will change, and I select the positive button on my heart. I will not forget I have this blog again. I am not worried about grammar or sentences. My goal is to give a message of love from a heart that truly cares. Maybe I will get my Patreon site running, it’s next on the list. Bare with me as I adjust to life and add more smiles. Love to all who know me and love to those who will come to know me. I am working on my assemblage pieces. There are so many things in my head to make. So I have organized totes to hold collected materials for each work with a mini sketch of what I want to make from my found objects. While doing that I get to clean the studio area up to get ready for classes once again. I have several watercolor backgrounds made and am awaiting confirmation from the spiritual creative on what it wants on them. Sometimes, I look at the backgrounds and say to myself " don't try to figure it out just let it be until it's time to unveil to the brain what is there". I would make you dizzy if you followed me around multi-tasking my works and creations. I may glue on this work and while that dries I can paint on this one. Then as they both are drying I work on a mixed media piece. Then it's time for lunch. The work is a piece that I abandoned randomly in a grocery store in another town, I have perhaps 20 pieces being discovered around in five states and one even secretly made it's way into the famous Biltmore Mansion, in North Carolina. There will be more when time allows for extras here and there. I guess the reasons I do so many different works and media is I never get bored... two... some places only want my whimsical, some my more spiritual, and others my more intense works. That gives me different avenues to sell in. Some people may think that is being less serious about my art... but I guarantee you it is being MORE serious. MY passion drives my work to be what it is. I may not have time to post my best pieces online but I at least take that time to create them. Those that are seriously interested in my works will let me know when they need more. What is good for one gallery may not be for another, but that doesn't mean the dedication behind any given style is less important. I fill the need for whichever gallery chooses whichever style. Perhaps to some galleries, this is a crazy or bad decision ... but my works all intertwine and people recognize the style that blends them all together. My art is important to me because it has a message.... and the person it is supposed to touch will see it when it's time. Share your passion !!!!! ( any and all typos are courtesy of the crazy keyboard fairy ) Yesterday, we delivered art for one of my exhibits, then went for a drive in the mountains away from busy roads. We sat with our picnic lunch of fried chicken and homemade coleslaw and admired the beauty of nature. Looking at the misty distance of mountains with sunlit patches across the nooks and valleys and a just-right breeze. The music of the river accompanied the lyrics of the songbirds adding to the surreal feeling of a moment between time. This was my memory stamp for the day, and I chose to share it with all of you. Have a great day !!! Toneeke Creativity runs wild around our home and my soul. I can't help looking at something and deciding it needs another meaning. The latest addition to my growing yard art was a recycled satellite dish. I have a lot of projects in the thinking stage, a few in the getting parts stage, and two in the assemblage stage. I have plans for their exhibits and sharing the laughter that will go with them. Nothing is safe from paint around here not to mention what may be attached. I am so ready to fire my kiln up and get more clay works done, when I get through with the assemblages it will be a cool down time for playing in clay, and perhaps will give a class or two. My gran-babies all call me Yaya which was started by one of my grand daughter's when she was approx a year old, it means grandmother in Greek... odd in a sense, but perhaps not for my family. ( said with a smile ) I remember it wasn't long ago that my "Yaya babies"( gran-babies ) were getting into trouble for making measuring sticks and murals on the walls in their Homes. I recall our son-in-law say to his little girl who was about four then " Ama what do you think you are doing?" She simply replied " I am measuring people as Yaya does. I measure the grandbabies as they grow on a door frame in my workspace in the back. So you can imagine the lines of black marker on freshly painted white walls in her house... Yep... you know a zebra lived there. I also know they had drawings on the walls. I told our children to remember that the little ones do not know it is wrong when they see Yaya measure people and when Yaya paints on the walls. They need to remember they come by it naturally and honestly and paint is plentiful to repaint over the early artistic talent attempts when they understand to use canvas. Now they all paint on canvases. I am going to get my newsletter ready and have a signup page which will be great for notifying viewers of upcoming exhibits and shows and monthly artsy giveaways. For those on Facebook, you can follow us there too! When autumn shows her cresting beauty, my eyes never cease to be amazed. I don't just see color, I see how each leaf is designed right down to its veins. The trees have been in a lot of my paintings this year along with horses and water. My analysis is one of strength and clarity. Trees are strong and sturdy ( except the part that fell and hit me in the head a couple of months ago. ) Horses are strong animals and have a lot of graceful beauty not only in appearance but in movement. Water usually means a time of cleansing and natural use of energy that moves the soul and creativity.
November has become a very busy month by surprise. My art is on exhibit and for sale in three locations in two states. On Monday, November the 14th, I had received notification that one of my works was accepted into another National Show and then I was surprised when I won a First Place Blue Ribbon this past Tuesday Night for the art of recycling competition, it was just fun creating the pieces and sharing them with the world. But the funniest thing that has happened to me this month is... What does an artist do when locked in the most unwanted place ... she gets creative .... it goes a little like this...Knock Knock who's there?..... OK, I will share a very big laugh this morning... While at Ingles grocery store yesterday afternoon, I went to the ladies room, used the stall closest to the door, as I tried to exit my throne room...the door would not unlock... I was stuck in the stall, ... I began to laugh and say oh no this is not happening.. talking to myself I am having this conversation saying over again " do you believe this crap " now who will hear me in here ... how often does someone come in here?.. ok look at bottom of the door... oh no you don't your big butt is not getting on the floor and trying to squeeze outa here... I looked at the top and said "You’re too short, don't even think about it "... then I said to myself... wait, I have a cell phone, I can call the Mr and have him get the manager to get me out... I called and about that time the door unlocked and let me free... That was pretty weird and the one time I can say thank goodness for a cell phone... LOL.. the laugh was on me. Have a Great Thanksgiving or whatever the holiday may be to you. Wow... it has been quite a journey to get to the point of the opening day of the Solo Exhibit. The Space Between. Perhaps now everyone can relate to that part of the title for the show, “The Space Between”.... hmmm think about it... from the moment of building a new body of work for this exhibit and making sure I had more than enough works to display, I worked on many more than will have ever been seen in the show. I would make a few pieces and buyers would take them before I could say wait... but that is alright as I did not mind. I just created more works. Because I love so many styles, I just created what was in my heart that day, or as I played with paints it helped me to see what colors to use that day. The Space Between is a part of how I think... I allow moments of nothingness and stillness to be able to clear the thought process from other works that may be in progress. The show has been a success thus far and my visitors will never know how much I truly appreciate their support. Three great people below... Coela, Marilyn, and Andrew. Second picture Jerry Hagaman, Emily, Gisela, Sandy, and others I cannot see their faces, and Andrew.... just a few minutes before the exhibit took off. Of course, I would rather be creating than doing the website, but I have also come to understand I have to work on the site as well... or it will never get done. I have waited on other designers forever to work on my sites and come to the conclusion I have to do it myself.
Now I have fallen to my nasty habit of not working on the site. So I have made up my mind to try and work on entering more items to the pages so you won't get bored. I am getting ready for a very big exhibit roughly about 50 pieces or a few more. These works have been in creative motion since September of 2010 and are all-new, unseen by the public. My biggest setback since beginning all the new works for the exhibit is people have been buying a lot of them before I could get them framed and wrapped. I am not complaining. Selling my works make me extremely happy, not just because they sold but they found their rightful home, a place they will enjoy hanging for the rest of their duration of being together with someone who will cherish them forever. Yes, I talk as if my paintings are alive... aren't they? That is why people are drawn to art because there is something about the work that spoke to them. When I create the works, they speak to me, it may be a color or a shape or perhaps a unique twist to something I would have never thought about painting. I create what I can see in the background, there is no preconceived idea about what I will paint only that something will reach out and touch the brush to put into a visual form that will touch the soul of others. You can share my journey as it travels on by being patient as I get this site up and going.... but mostly, Thank You for wanting to see what my works are about and being kind enough to return. Just wanted to share a dance with the universe today, with everyone who enters into my world and journey. As you read this update you may wonder what it has to do with Art. Feeling so honored to have a teacher "Mr. B" from my days of Youth (approximately 39 years ago) reconnect with my world. As young people, there are things that some take for granted and perhaps never realize how important they are as individuals to the world of Life, and the teachers who care enough to give direction. Teachers have a unique job, they give their lives to the instruction of the young souls they can hope to imprint with social readiness and wisdom. All too often they are forgotten. But not in my world. People in my life's journey are all remembered. I may not always remember a name, but I NEVER forget a voice or a face. ( photographic memory is a good thing ). My world is a place for each person who influenced me the most. Whether it be a kind gesture, a compliment, or the realization that someone cares about a person’s life and where it goes. My all time favorite teacher we will call "Mr B". I asked a classmate from way back when how they could remember me if they barely ever spoke to me. He simply said he respected me because I was not like the rest of the girls. I was different. He said I was cheerful and kind, and happy, and unique. My teacher Mr. B. has said something similar. Maybe I didn't see my differentness. You see these are two examples of people I admire, not for their words to me, but because they are real... and took their lives on a positive journey. They are a part of my life's canvas and are what my journey is about. Positive energy!! The sad thing is that a lot of people who touch our lives in this time that we build memories, if we do not share with them the things that we appreciated, they may never know if they reached their goal. To simply express one’s gratitude or simple thanks to those who touched our souls and lives can make a difference. I always want them to know THEY MADE A DIFFERENCE IN MY LIFE !! You see my art would have no breath if I didn't have anything to apply to my canvas, it is the bits and pieces of my being and imprinting that brought me to where I am today with my art and the great souls who honored me with a chance to include them in my journey of Life. This is a picture of me at 15 with my painting encouraged by the positive energy of those WHO MADE A DIFFERENCE. I believe if I touched one soul, I completed my purpose. Yes, I do know I spelled tomarrow with an " A ". That's because I think it looks better. Life is too short to worry if I spelled something according to Wikipedia or Webster. It's not like they are going to check it or grade me on my spelling. At my age, I don't think it has to be an issue anyway. Creativity is my daily adventure and it allows me to create new words to describe my days of old or new. I have my own dictionary called The Book Of Toneekeary along with a sidekick of Toneekeisms. Now see how fun that is.
As an artist, I take great pleasure in making others think... puzzling the minds in wonderment or confusion. I can only laugh. I would rather write the queen's language anyway. So before tomarrow comes everyone should makeup just one word, use and share it for the next few hours and see what response you get. Most people really won't know if it is a word or not. Now I shall go create more works to sell and share. |
My life is a giant work of art and you are all a part of my canvas! Archives
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